make more money

5 Social Media Jobs You Can Do From Home

Do you remember life before social media? Since the late 90s its become exceedingly popular. Nowadays it would be difficult to find someone who isn’t on at least one social media platform. Social media is a huge part of our every day lives; for work, to promote our businesses and to communicate with family and […]

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5 Places To Find Virtual Assistant Clients

5 Places To Find Virtual Assistant Clients

The Virtual Assistant industry is booming. With more and more online business starting up, there’s an increasing need for great help. Virtual Assistants provide businesses with a way to reduce costs while retaining the company standards and the quality of the work. As a Virtual Assistant you’ll have to find your own clients and this […]

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make money pet sitting

Can You Make Money Pet Sitting? Yes You Can!

So many of us have pets at home. Whether you’re a dog lover or your kids have a pet rabbit, animals can bring such joy to our lives. However, when we have to work or when we want to go on vacation, our pets can be an issue. Not all animals cope well with boarding […]

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self-help books for women

13 Inspiring Self-Help Books For Women

Do you love to read? There’s not much better in life than diving into a book ready to learn the lessons the author wanted to pass on. Maybe even to make changes in our lives as a result of these lessons. There are so many amazingly inspirational books out there in the world. We wanted […]

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earn money from home

8 Ways To Earn Money From Home During The Coronavirus Pandemic

There’s no doubt we’re living in uncertain times. The Coronavirus outbreak has taken lives and sadly there’s no doubt it will claim more. Countries are in lock down, schools are shut and gatherings are banned. If this doesn’t apply to where you live yet, it could well be on the horizon. Small businesses are struggling, […]

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finding work from home jobs

A mom’s guide to finding work from home jobs

If you’re a mom you might be dreaming of finding work from home jobs that you could do around looking after your kids. For many moms, the thought of returning to work after having kids isn’t very appealing…. However, maybe the time has come when you need to return to work for financial reasons. Or […]

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ways to fail at business

3 Foolproof Ways to Fail at Business

Why would you want to know the ways to fail at business? So you can flip the script, that’s why. When you start a business, even if it’s a side-hustle, you want more than anything for it to work. For your message to spread and your audience to grow daily. You think by ‘doing’ you […]

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find your why

How To Find Your Why?

At any given moment there are many things which can take our focus. Distractions all around us and so much noise, it can be hard to know what to focus on. This can lead to us focusing on the wrong things and ultimately lacking fulfilment. One way to improve your life is to find your […]

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What's holding you back from making money?

What’s holding you back from making money?

All business owners get stuck at one time or another. Sometimes this is because you’ve hit a plateau and you can’t figure out to breakthrough. Or you’re not reaching your goals, or maybe you’re starting to feel burned out. Whatever the reason it’s holding you back from making money (or as much as you would […]

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Self-Sabotaging Behaviors

Self Sabotaging Behaviors That Squash Your Earning Potential

Picture the scene. You’re working towards an important goal in your business or at work. Then you do something stupid and mess it up. Sound familiar? Maybe you feel anxious and stressed when you’re working towards something important. This stress makes you feel frustrated, angry and discouraged with yourself. These feelings then stop you from […]

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